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4 Basic Newborn Care Tips for First-Time Moms & Dads

4 Basic Newborn Care Tips for First-Time Moms & Dads

Congratulations on becoming new parents. We can sense the change you have been living through lately. Life can change in numerous ways when your newest little addition, your bundle of joy arrives. Your hearts burst with joy every time you see your baby smiling, hear them cooing, reaching milestones. As new parents, you suddenly become your child’s circle of love and positivity, you become more than just individuals, you become Parents. The parenting journey that you embark on is filled with new learnings, joys, and perspectives already but you don’t have to tread the path alone, by yourself. Vega Baby & Mom is there to support you and provide you with a few tips that might be helpful for first-time parents. In this blog, we cover baby care tips for babies aged 0 to 6 months.  

Hold Your Newborn Baby Properly – As soon as the baby arrives into the world, parents are often filled with warm euphoric feelings when they look at their baby. The urge to hold the baby close and cuddle them is unmatched. However, approaching the baby with clean hands and knowing the proper way to hold the baby is equally important. When it's about holding the baby, the best way to do so is to support the neck and head with one hand and hold the bottoms with the other hand. This helps ensure the baby’s head does not flop. Properly holding your baby can also help gently swoon or swaddle as you hold and caress them.

Maintain Baby’s Daily Hygiene and Cleanliness- Baby’s eyes, ears, and nose need gentle cleaning at least once a day. Just like adults, babies also have eye boogers and nasal discharge that need to be cleaned. You can use cotton balls or cotton buds on gentle areas like eyes, nose, and outer ears to clean them. You can wipe the baby’s delicate skin with a soft cloth soaked in lukewarm water or you can use Vega Baby & Mom 99% Water wipes that are enriched with the goodness of natural key ingredients.

child with parents

Breastfeeding Your Baby –Mother’s Milk is best for the baby and feeding them with breast milk within the very first hour of delivery is very important. It helps mothers to bond with their babies right away and also helps them feed their babies with colostrum (also known as liquid gold). It helps in building the immunity of the newborn baby by providing enough antibodies to ward off infections.

In the natural mechanism of breastmilk secretion babies suckle on their mother’s breast, this produces prolactin and oxytocin hormones in mothers, which stimulates the production of breastmilk for smooth breastfeeding. However, if there is delayed breastmilk expression, mothers can use products such as breast pumps to stimulate the breasts.

You can also use breast pumps and feeding bottles based on your lifestyle choices. If you are a working mom or if your partner wants to help then you can choose a manual or electric breast pump to express and feed breastmilk to the baby as needed. Try to pick a breast pump based on your individual needs and comfort. You can also use Vega Baby & Mom Advanced Manual Breast Pump, which enables breastfeeding moms to adjust 7 different suction levels for easier and more comfortable milk expression and smooth breastfeeding.

According to a document published by the Indian Medical Association* Fresh breast milk can be stored at room temperature for 4 to 6 hours or in a refrigerator at 4°C to 8°C for 24 hours. It can be stored for three months if kept in the deep freezer at -20°C.



Key Takeaways:

Being a parent for the first time can be exhilarating, but a few handy tips can help the parents understand and cater to the baby’s needs in a more informed way. These tips can help you have a smooth sail through the parenting journey and lay a strong foundation for your baby’s growth and development.