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How to Promote Oral Care in Babies?

How to Promote Oral Care in Babies?

We all have been there, waking sleepy-eyed, lost in distant dreams about, ice creams and candies, but then we are woken up to brush our teeth. As a kid, it seemed very irritating to be woken up and made to brush our teeth, now that we are grown-up adults, we understand how important oral care is and how it has shaped important aspects of our lives. It is more than just a daily routine activity; it is part of our health. It is thus important to inculcate healthy oral care habits to maintain better oral health later in their lives.

Why is Oral Care Important for Babies?

To Keep the mouth healthy – Keeping the mouth healthy plays a crucial role in the overall health of babies. It will help keep the mouth healthy and bacteria-free and reduce the chances of any potential illnesses that may affect the baby’s health. You as parents can start off by caring for your baby’s tooth even before the first tooth appears. You can use a finger brush by placing it on your index finger, then gently move it to and fro against your baby’s gums.

To Prevent Tooth Decay and Cavities- It is not just that adults get cavities and run to find suitable solutions for it. Tooth decay can happen at any age. It can happen to the milk teeth too. Breastmilk or food sediments may harm the new teeth and the gumline. It may cause decay and damage to your baby’s milk teeth and permanent teeth as well.

Baby Dental Care

Helps Eat food Properly- One of the most basic functions of the mouth is to taste, chew, and get the nutritious value of the food effectively. The tongue, teeth, and gums work together to help break food into tiny pieces.  Then the stomach doesn’t have to do much of the work, to help derive nutrition from food and turn it into energy. To maintain healthy teeth and tongue you can use a dental kit that can be used through your baby's different stages and age ranges.

Boost Appearance and Health- A good healthy tooth can lead to a healthy mouth and body. If the mouth is not healthy it may cause other health concerns as well. Good Oral health improves appearance as well, crooked teeth may rub against your baby’s inner cheeks or cause problems while they sleep with their mouth open due to the protruding teeth.

Enables better Speech and smile -  Good oral health helps in early speech development in babies. If the teeth are not aligned properly it may cause speech delays or problems in articulation of some particular alphabets. This may in turn reduce the clarity of their speech and may lead to difficulty in communication as well. Healthy teeth not only just help your baby in their speech it also help them show off their broad gleeful smiles with ease.

Dental Kit

Oral Care Practices to follow every day:

  • Let your toddler get into the habit of brushing their teeth and cleaning their tongue. Show them how to do it right. It will help make them more responsible and aware of their oral health.

  • Do not feed your baby near bedtime. If you do wipe your infant baby’s gum with a soft and damp muslin cloth. If you have a toddler help them get into the habit of brushing their teeth post meals.

  • Skip sugary drinks and too much sugary food, as it may lead to tooth decay and in some cases may lead to painful tooth extractions as well.

  • Dental problems may be transmissible, avoid using the same spoons and utensils with your babies. Keep baby feeding items and accessories clean and sterilized.

  • Give your baby age-appropriate dental care kit that suits their needs. The dental product should help gently clean the teeth, mouth, and tongue without being strenuous or tough on the baby’s delicate teeth and gums.

Avoid giving them fluoride-based toothpaste up until a certain age, since babies learn to spit or gargle later in life, prevent situations where they could gulp down the toothpaste, you can instead use fluoride-free toothpaste that is safe for babies.