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Incredible Facts about Baby, Breastmilk and Breastfeeding

Incredible Facts about Baby, Breastmilk and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a magical experience, all-natural, and inspiring. Imagine being the tree of life for your growing baby, nurturing their roots for the life ahead. The pride in providing the best source of nutrition to help your baby blossom into a healthy individual is ultimate. Trust us when we say Breastfeeding is Best.

While a breastfeeding mom moves ahead in her journey of breastfeeding, here are a few facts about Breastmilk and breastfeeding that we find are incredible.

  • Nothing can match the goodness of a mother’s breastmilk.
  • Breastmilk contains fats, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals necessary for a baby’s growth.
  • Colostrum – the first milk the mom’s breast produces right after childbirth contains all necessary antibodies to build the baby’s immunity against infections.
  • Babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of their life, it can also be continued till the baby demands it.
  • Breastfeeding helps release feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin that further enhance the overall breastfeeding experience.
  • Helping your baby latch onto the breast correctly is very crucial. If not done right it will lead to poor latch that leads to sore nipples or incorrect feeding. You can use breast care accessories for relief too. 
  • The nutritional value of the breastmilk changes according to the baby’s growth.
  • Breastfeeding it no less than a workout, it helps burn at least 500 to 700 calories per day.
  • The breast size isn’t a determinant of how much breastmilk is produced.

Vega Baby-Mom

  • Even thinking about the baby can lead to a letdown.
  • Stress can lower the flow of breast milk. This in turn can make nursing and pumping difficult.
  • Babies can be breastfed until they are full, and not until the breasts are empty.
  • Babies who are breastfed have less chance of falling sick.
  • You can express and store breastmilk using a breast pump to feed the baby later too.
  • Moms can breastfeed babies on demand anytime anywhere.
  • Breast milk is good and safe always.
  • Babies can recognize the unique smell of their mother’s breastmilk and know when their momma is around.
  • Finding the right breastfeeding position is important. So that it isn’t uncomfortable for the baby and mom.


  • Continue breastfeeding your baby even if you are a working woman or have important commitments to attend to. Try to pump breastmilk using a manual breast pump and keep it for feeding while you are away.
  • It is ok to use breast care accessories that help ease out the problems associated with breastfeeding rather than suffering in silence.
  • Leaky breasts are a very natural phenomenon and is nothing to worry about.
  • Breastfeeding often will help you regulate the breastmilk supply and feed your baby better.
  • During the first week of birth make sure the baby latches properly onto the breast for a smooth breastfeeding.
  • For the duration of 2 weeks to 4 months keep up with the supply and demand of breastmilk as the babies grow gradually.
  • Your toddler may consider breastfeeding for comfort and reassurance, do not feel sad about it. It is okay, the baby gets its nutrition.