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Know about weaning, its types, and what to expect during weaning

Know about weaning, its types, and what to expect during weaning

Every bite and every morsel of food holds a core memory. When you feed your babies you might certainly be remembering those days when your parents fed you food, using made-up stories, characters, and a little bit of persuasion. Well, all of that was called weaning, when you were transitioning from breastmilk to other forms of food. You didn’t understand the concept of it back then, but now as a parent you should have a more definite answer to all things about weaning and we at Vega Baby & Mom would surely help.

What is Weaning?

Weaning is a process where the baby is introduced to other forms of food along with breastmilk. It is a gradual process and you and your baby may certainly not master the art of weaning overnight, however, you will know when the time is right for you and your baby to start weaning. You may just need the right guidance and the right weaning products to help you enable smooth weaning.

When does weaning happen?

Well, weaning happens at its own pace and there is no set definite time for it. It is something very personal and the approach you take differs from person to person. It may depend on a breastfeeding mom's choice, her job, her schedule, and the health of the baby. Weaning does not need to be a situation of extremes, it is not an all-or-nothing situation. Some moms choose to continue with extended breastfeeding alongside solid food, some moms try to wean the baby during the day and breastfeed them at night, and some try it vice-versa. According to experts, you should continue breastfeeding at your baby’s needs and your convenience. Weaning depends on a lot of other factors as well, it may happen that your baby might not be ready for weaning when you want them to,  they may seem disinterested or distracted in breastfeeding, or maybe sucking the nipple just for comfort rather than taking in any breastmilk it may not certainly happen at your will so relax and trust the process.


What are the types of weaning?

There are 2 types of weaning

Parent-Led Weaning – This is a type of weaning that is done by parents, the parents take charge and feed babies solid food with their own hands. It is more of a traditional approach to weaning, it helps in the initiation of food such as pureed or liquid food such as mashed veggies or dal in a Silicone Food Feeder. Parents also introduce their kids to seasonal fresh fruits using a Fruit and Food Nibbler and then give it to their baby. This helps manage the mealtimes better and have control over the portion of food offered. It also helps save time and is convenient to use.

Baby-led Weaning -Baby-led weaning is more of an explorative approach to food, where the baby explores the food textures, tastes at their own will and pace, and eats it on their own. In this method babies may eat some, may throw some away, but all this will lead to healthier eating habits in the future. You can offer your baby a bowl of mashed veggies and let them eat with a heat-sensory baby weaning spoon  under your supervision it can be a good way to try out.

Weaning spoon

Both Methods of weaning are equal, it is up to you as a parent to decide the approach you want to take. It is ok to any of the approaches until your baby eats healthy food and gains nourishment from the food.

Tips for Successful Weaning:

Do your research-  We understand you have done most of the research even before your little bundle of joy has arrived. But there are some important aspects as well that you need to research after the baby is born and is all set to transition between breastmilk and solid food. A lot will depend on your baby’s health and developmental age.

Observe and Offer Variety – Observe your baby, and their likes and dislikes in food. See what they eat with complete enjoyment and interest. Don’t offer anything that they reject every time you offer it to them, or makes them gag. It is ok, a baby cannot tend to like all the food that you offer, they might reject some too. Offer them a variety of food in different tastes and textures.

Practice Patience – Be patient with your baby they are as new to the concept of food as is the concept of parenting to you. You both are adapting to new skills together. Be very patient with your baby during this phase, and help them develop a positive relationship with food. Let them learn to enjoy mealtimes rather than just eating for the sake of it.

Don’t Stress About the Mess- Remember as parents that this phase of beaming childhood is not going to come back once your baby grows up. Let them make a mess, enjoy and relish their food, you can certainly wipe off the spill and splatter and clean the stains using a wet wipe.