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What are the signs and techniques of good breastfeeding

What are the signs and techniques of good breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is no rocket science; it is an art that breastfeeding mothers master over time with the support of the right guidance and breastfeeding accessories. It is easy for some mothers and not so easy for some mothers. However the grit and determination of a mother can move mountains, and the challenges of breastfeeding seem like stepping stones through the journey of Happy Parenting.

What are the signs that breastfeeding is going well?

Here are a few signs that might help you know if your baby is breastfeeding well.

  • If your baby is content and satisfied after every feeding.
  • If your baby breastfeeds 8 times in 24 hours duration.
  • If your baby has 6 wet diapers in 24 hours.
  • If your baby has 3 yellow bowel movements daily.
  • If your baby is swallowing and sucking the breastmilk well.
  • If your breast feels fuller and softer after breastfeeding.
  • If you don’t feel pain in the nipples after breastfeeding.
  • If breastfeeding is smooth and enjoyable.

We admire the resilience of mothers and appreciate their choice to breastfeed but do you know what is the correct technique for breastfeeding?

Here are a few tips and techniques that could help breastfeeding moms in breastfeeding:

Remember Breastfeeding is best – Breastfeed your baby with colostrum (also known as liquid gold) soon after delivery. It helps give your baby the immune-boosting antibodies needed at this stage. This will help them get a good and healthy start to life. As the baby grows, your breastmilk changes naturally in quality and volume during this phase. You can express breastmilk using a manual breast pump and feed your baby later as per the need.

Breastfeeding-PositionsChoose a good breastfeeding position- Breastfeeding positions play an important part in forming an effective latch, which helps in successful breastfeeding. There are various types of breastfeeding holds some of the most common ones are cradle hold, cross cradle hold, side-lying hold, and football hold. These positions help your baby comfortably latch onto your breasts without having to make efforts to turn their delicate necks to feed. You need to identify the most comfortable position for you and your baby.

Initiate a natural let-down – A natural let-down can help you breastfeed your baby properly to help them feel satisfied and content after their feedings. To initiate a natural let-down gently massage your breasts, you can place a warm towel on your breast and relax. This will help trigger your milk let-down reflexes for a smooth breastfeeding session.

Make sure the baby latches on well- Your baby needs to latch well to initiate a smooth breastfeeding, that is comforting for the mom and nourishing for the baby.  If you have a problem latching your baby onto your breast you can try using a nipple shield . It is a shield you can wear over your nipples like a thin protective cover for sore or cracked nipples. It is designed with holes in the nipple area that allow easy milk flow. Manage latching and breastfeeding better by consulting a lactation expert for better guidance. 

Vega-Baby & Mom-Nipple-Shield

Keep breastfeeding and pumping breastmilk – Pumping breastmilk regularly can help stimulate the breasts for better milk output and smooth breastfeeding. The gentle stimulation mimics the feel of your baby’s natural sucking movement. You can also use Vega Baby & Mom Natural Expression Advanced Manual Breast Pump for gentle stimulation and deep expression. You can adjust the 7 different pumping pressure levels and pump breastmilk for your baby’s feedings based on your comfort and convenience. It will help not only maintain a good milk supply, it will also help co-parent or caregiver to feed the baby when you are not around or resting.

As a breastfeeding mom remember these breastfeeding tips that could help you cherish the joy of parenting:

EARLY – Early breastfeeding helps in a good latch and gives your baby the much-required nourishment and a healthy immune system for further growth and development.
EFFECTIVE- A good breastfeeding session is only possible when the baby gets the milk without putting in hard work. It should not be painful for the breastfeeding mother either.
EXCLUSIVE – According to the experts, breastfeeding should be exclusively done for the first 6 months of your baby’s life. This nourishes the baby, builds their immunity, helps in growth and development. It helps breastfeeding moms in rejuvenation post-childbirth too.

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